That’s how a song reminds me of Dennis and Françoise.
Seen that Dennis? I’ve subscribed to a god damn ‘competition’ eheh. I know you were aware before me that competitions ain’t art nor part of it, really. But I also know you would have encourage me to do so, whatever bad experiences were by the past. So be it. I took a look at what’s been publicly shared, some few submissions are great, they tell. Don’t know much about mine although I made them to tell, too. I had to keep the exif inside, you know. I hate that. I like when the solely image tells. Well, let’s hope they’re as smart as one of the judge. We’ll see in few weeks, that’s the good thing in well organized stuff: you know it quick.
Oh yeah, I read the rules, and to be honest I don’t like them. Basically, what the rules say is: you will take all the shit if there is to take, there’ll be none for us 😀 Typical of anglo-saxon law, making individuals a bit more responsible than in latin law.
Not much to worry about anyway.
Anyway, all this reminds me I have a new series of pics to work on, the London series. Can’t really tell the name of it, secret.
No, we made shit trying to make it too perfect at the Japan Touch. I was about to write tons about cosplay, young females with less clothes, merchandizing and the feeling of it, but actually… What bothers me for real is that we’ve missed a sale. Do you know why? We had no FBM (fucking bank machine). Ok, we did not work it good, there was a cash machine near by… Well, shit happens 🙂
Otherwise it was great, it seems that people like the work I’ve done (someone told me it’s away from ‘cliché’ I appreciated that much), but to be honest (damn, I’m much honest today ^^) the public was not really into art. You know what I mean. Well, that’s how it is. Miss ya two, guys.
Hope you’re both well in my memories 😉 See you soon!
PS: I give you some pics I stole on instagram and so on about these crazy two days at the Japan Touch ( the deadpool one is from japan Touch Haru earlier last year 😉 ). You’ll see part of my show behind.
I add a vid too, maybe you can feel the dreamy substance behind those costumes. The first vid is fun, young girls fond of cosplay just near by us, one of them making a nice pussy dance standing front of 4 of my ‘variations’ 😉
Enjoy! And maybe I’ll give some pics of mine later.